Global tasks#

This guide covers how to use poethepoet as a global task runner, for private user level tasks instead of shared project level tasks. Global tasks are available anywhere, and serve a similar purpose to shell aliases or scripts on the PATH — but as poe tasks.

There are two steps required to make this work:

  1. Create a project somewhere central such as ~/.poethepoet where you define tasks that you want to have globally accessible

  2. Configure an alias in your shell’s startup script such as alias edgar="poe -C ~/.poethepoet".


This document suggests calling your alias edgar — because it’s a pun… but you can use any alternative name you fancy.

The project at ~/.poethepoet can be a regular poetry project including dependencies or just a file with tasks.

You can choose any location to define the tasks, and whatever name you like for the global poe alias.


For this to work Poe the Poet must be installed globally such as via pipx or homebrew.

Shell completions for global tasks#

If you uze zsh or fish then the usual completion script should just work with your alias (as long as it was created with poethepoet >=0.28.0).

However for bash you’ll need to generate a new completion script for the alias specifying the alias and the path to you global tasks like so:

# System bash
poe _bash_completion edgar ~/.poethepoet > /etc/bash_completion.d/edgar.bash-completion

# Homebrew bash
poe _bash_completion edgar ~/.poethepoet > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/edgar.bash-completion


These examples assume your global poe alias is edgar, and your global tasks live at ~/.poethepoet.

How to ensure installed bash completions are enabled may vary depending on your system.